Top 10 Movies with Humongous Farts
Fart humor has been around for ages and can still draw giggles from both young and old. While considered lowbrow by some, these gags hold a certain charm that just seems to connect with human hilarity on a basic level. This article celebrates ten movies where humongous farts have played a significant or memorable role.
1. “Blazing Saddles” (1974)
Directed by Mel Brooks, this classic comedy western is known for a specific scene around a campfire where cowboys indulge in a baked bean feast. The subsequent collective farting is still remembered today for its humor and audaciousness, especially considering the movie’s 1970s context.
2. “Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery” (1997)
Mike Myers is no stranger to toilet humor, and this is evident in the first Austin Powers film. The scene featuring the ‘FemBots’ expelling toxic gas from their lower halves, is memorable and humorously fits the film’s overall ridiculous, yet engaging, tone.
3. “The Nutty Professor” (1996)
In this film, Eddie Murphy plays an overweight professor who invents a formula that transforms him into a slim but arrogant alter ego. The long, amplified dinner table fart scene, initiated by the Grandma character, is a prime example of the movie’s crude but hilarious humor.
4. “Dumb and Dumber” (1994)
Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels star in this film as two good-hearted but incredibly dimwitted friends. A particularly memorable scene involves Daniels’ character, Harry, experiencing an explosive bout of diarrhea, complete with exaggerated sound effects that continue the movie’s legacy of puerile humor.
5. “Shrek” (2001)
DreamWorks’ Shrek is an animated comedy that effectively uses fart humor to amuse children and adults alike. One of the opening scenes features Shrek taking a mud bath while farting, causing bubbles to rise to the surface, setting the tone for the kind of humor expected throughout the series.
6. “Tropic Thunder” (2008)
This action-comedy movie features a scene where Jack Black’s character Jeff Portnoy, in a desperate plea for drugs, promises a thunderous fart on a director’s face. While it doesn’t actually happen, the comedic threat adds a memorable moment to the movie.
7. “Bridesmaids” (2011)
While more famous for its vomit scene, Bridesmaids also includes a memorably hilarious sequence involving sudden diarrhea for the whole bridal party, with Maya Rudolph’s character coming off the worst.
8. “Swiss Army Man” (2016)
Farts play a surprisingly significant role in this unique, indie film where Paul Dano’s character uses Daniel Radcliffe’s (playing a corpse) continuous flatulence to navigate like a jet ski across the ocean. It’s definitely a case where fart humor meets art-house cinema.
9. “Ferdinand” (2017)
This animated movie has a scene where a calming goat teaches Ferdinand, the bull, to relax and accidentally lets out a loud fart, causing them both to giggle. It’s a light-hearted moment that brings humor to the film and appeals to its younger audience.
10. “The Lion King” (1994)
Who can forget young warthog Pumbaa in The Lion King? While his farts aren’t necessarily shown, they’re implied and referenced many times, causing much amusement. The famous line, “Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids,” after Pumbaa starts the phrase “Every time that I…” with a fart noise, is a classic example.
From subtle to overt, from animated films to indie dramas, the humor of farts transcends genres and age groups. While they may not be the most refined form of comedy, there’s no denying that these humongous fart scenes have left their memorable, and humorous, mark on cinema history.